我院青年领导力与行动力开发中心一直致力于研究国际前沿的教学模式。2012年12月21日,中心将邀请哈佛大学肯尼迪政府管理学院Steve Kelman教授来我院进行案例示范教学。本活动向全体在读学生开放。为保证教学效果,限30名学生参加,欢迎大家踊跃报名。
1、 15:30-17:00,地点:求是楼320。Steven Kelman教授示范教学。
2、17:00-17:30 ,地点:求是楼320。Steven Kelman教授同在场教师交流案例教学。
1、案例为Parks and Partnership (A),哈佛商学院出版社。周二下午5点起可以到求是楼423处借阅。涉及知识产权归属,严禁复制和散播。
(1) What do you see as advantages, compared to the Park Department managing the Park, of giving management of Central Park to the Central Park Conservancy? Disadvantages?
(2) How is the Central Parks Conservancy arrangement similar to a contract with a for-profit firm for mowing the grass at a park, cleaning the trash, or running food concessions, and how is it different?
(3) Do you agree with the idea suggested in the case that a volunteer working to clean up trash in Central Park would be less likely themselves to throw litter on the ground in the park?
(4)Should the Parks Department sign a formal contract with the Conservancy regarding their management of Central Park (with provisions going beyond simply granting them responsibility for park management)? Why or why not? If there is a more detailed contract, what should it cover? Should the Conservancy have complete control over maintenance priorities for the Park? How about control over how the park is used for free events for the public, such as free live music concerts? How about rules for who can be removed from the park for bad behavior?
需报名的同学请将 个人信息(姓名+年级+专业+手机号) 发至gongguandb@126.com ,截至时间为2012年12月20日12点。